In this hot weather, a glass of tangerine smoothie is undoubtedly a great choice to help you beat the heat and cool down your body. Let’s get into the kitchen with TasteVN to learn 3 simple yet delicious ways to make tangerine smoothies!
1. Tangerine Banana Smoothie

Preparation Time
15 minutes
Difficulty Level
Ingredients for Tangerine Banana Smoothie Serves 2
Tangerines 3 fruits Bananas 1 fruit Yogurt 1/3 cup Fresh milk 1 cup
How to Choose Good Bananas
- Choose naturally ripe bananas (such as Siamese bananas, old bananas, etc.) for the best taste in your dish.
- Avoid buying bruised bananas, those with soft spots or blackened areas.
- Select bunches of bananas that have both green and yellow fruits. Bananas ripened with chemicals will ripen uniformly, making this a very important factor in choosing safe bananas for your family.
- Pick bananas with small black spots (locally called “bird eggs”), ripe bananas emit a light, distinctive aroma.
- Naturally ripened banana bunches will ripen uniformly at the stem and along the fruit. If the bananas are beautifully yellow but the stem and tip are still green, it means the seller used chemicals to force ripen them, which is not safe for health.
Tools Needed
How to make Tangerine Banana Smoothie
Prepare the ingredients
Slice the banana into small rounds and freeze for about 2 hours. Wash the tangerines, peel them, separate the segments, and remove the seeds.
Blend the smoothie
Add the tangerines, banana along with yogurt, and milk into the blender. Now turn on the blender for about 3 minutes.
Final product
And there you have a delicious “mind-blowing” smoothie, beautifully colored with the combination of tangerine and banana.
2. Papaya Tangerine Smoothie

14 minutes
Ingredients for Papaya Tangerine Smoothie Serves 2
Tangerine 1 fruit Papaya 1/4 fruit Sugar 3 tablespoons
How to choose good papaya
- Choose long fruit, heavy in hand, evenly ripe, with a sticky stem, for a sweet and delicious taste, few seeds, and thick flesh.
- Avoid buying papayas if it has rained a few days before because the papaya will be bland.
- The best papaya is the two-skin variety: the outer skin is yellow with tiny green specks, and the elongated fruit has a rich pulp.
Required tools
How to make Papaya Tangerine Smoothie
Prepare the ingredients
Remove the seeds from the papaya, peel it, and cut it into small pieces. Peel the tangerine and remove the seeds.
Blend the smoothie
Add the prepared papaya and tangerine segments to the blender, add sugar to taste, and blend until smooth. Then add ice cubes as desired and blend until fine.
Final Product
Unique, refreshing tangerine papaya smoothie for summer, eye-catching colors combined from 2 types of fruit, really delicious, isn’t it?
3. Tangerine Apple Smoothie

20 minutes
Difficulty Level
Ingredients for Tangerine Apple Smoothie For 2 people
Apple 3 pieces Tangerine 3 pieces Water 100 ml Sugar. 1 tablespoon
How to Choose Good Apples
- Choose apples that have bright colors, shiny skin, and feel smooth to the touch. For making smoothies, you should select dark-colored apples, with small white specks on the skin indicating the natural sweetness of the apple.
- Only choose apples that are of moderate size, slightly larger than a tennis ball.
- The stem of the apple should be fresh and tight against the fruit.
- The apple should be firm and heavy in hand. If you gently flick the apple with your finger and it makes a loud sound, it means the apple is crisp and delicious.
Tools Needed
How to make Tangerine Apple Smoothie
Prepare the ingredients
Wash the apples and tangerines with diluted salt water. Then peel the tangerines, separate the segments, and remove the seeds. Peel the apples, cut them into small pieces, and remove the seeds and core.
Blend the smoothie
Add the apples and tangerines to the blender. Add 1 tablespoon of sugar, you can adjust to taste. Add a suitable amount of water, milk, or fruit juice, then turn on the blender and blend the mixture until smooth.
Final product
The Tangerine Apple Smoothie has a very beautiful color and a naturally sweet and sour taste, making it very enjoyable to drink.
How to choose delicious tangerines:
- Delicious tangerines will have juicy flesh, a firm, naturally shiny yellow skin, soft to the touch with elasticity. The stem should not be dropped or wilted, the fruit should be fresh and not bruised or have dents. Some tangerines may look beautiful and firm but lack elasticity and feel hard to the touch; these are immature fruits that are not ripe enough or have low water content.
- However, you should also avoid choosing tangerines that are too large or overly plump, as these are often fertilized with too much nitrogen, resulting in less fragrance and sweetness.
See more:
TasteVN hopes that the above shares will help you have more delicious, nutritious, and simple tangerine smoothies right at home.
*Compiled and referenced information from the source