30 minutes
30 minutes
Papaya salad is a dried dish – papaya salad that is very familiar in family meals. Today, TasteVN will go to the kitchen to guide you in making this flavorful, attractive papaya salad with a very simple recipe to enrich your family meals!
Ingredients for Papaya Salad Serves 4
Papaya 1 fruit (about 1.5kg) Hot chili 2 fruits Fish sauce 1 cup Sugar 2.5 cups Salt 1.5 tablespoons
How to Choose Fresh and Crunchy Papaya
- You should choose to buy live or slightly yellowish papayas, with sticky stems so that the salad will be crunchy and delicious.
- Choose papayas that are elongated or uniformly round, with green skin and yellow speckles. When holding the papaya, it should feel firm and sturdy.
- Avoid buying papayas with many unusual black spots on the surface, or that feel soft and watery when touched.
How to Make Papaya Fermented Fish Sauce
Prepare the Ingredients
Buy papaya and use a knife to peel it, then shred the papaya into thin strips.
Next, place it into a bowl with about 1.5 tablespoons of salt, mix well, and let it sit for about 30 minutes for the papaya to absorb the salt evenly.
After about 30 minutes, pour 1 – 2 cups of clean water into the bowl with the papaya to dissolve the salt completely, and gently stir the papaya with your hands.
Squeeze the Water and Dry the Papaya
Put each handful of papaya into a strainer and squeeze hard to remove the water completely. Then, spread the papaya on a tray and let it dry in the sun for half a day until the papaya strips are slightly withered.
Tip:- If you can’t sun-dry it, you can dry the papaya strips using a fan overnight.
- Use a piece of mosquito netting to cover the tray to ensure hygiene for your papaya fermented fish sauce.
Soaking the papaya
The dried papaya that has been re-seeded should be placed into a food storage jar made of sterilized glass. If you can handle spicy food, you can cut a few chili peppers and add them in with the papaya.
Slowly pour the cooled syrup into the jar until the papaya is submerged, then close the lid, and let it sit for about 2 – 3 days at room temperature so that the papaya absorbs the flavors evenly.
Final product
The soaked papaya has a beautiful golden color. The strands of papaya are crunchy, with a rich blend of sour, spicy, salty, and sweet flavors that are very appealing. This papaya dipping sauce is delicious when eaten with white rice!
How to preserve papaya pickle
- To keep it for a long time, after completing it, take a portion just enough for the meal, and put the remaining part into a tightly sealed glass jar, then store it in the refrigerator refrigerator.
- When taking the papaya pickle from the jar, make sure to use very clean utensils, and close the lid immediately after taking some out.
- Avoid placing the pickle in overly humid areas or exposing it directly to sunlight, as this will make it spoil easily and alter its flavor.
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So with just a few very simple steps, you have completed the crispy, tasty, and flavorful papaya pickle for your family meal. TasteVN wishes you success in making it!