Sweet pumpkin jam is super delicious and very ideal to invite guests during Tet. If you’re not sure how to make pumpkin jam, let’s go to the kitchen with TasteVN to get 2 extremely simple pumpkin jam recipes: how to make green pumpkin jam and how to make pumpkin jam without alum in the article below!
1. Pumpkin Jam
20 minutes
50 minutes
Ingredients for Pumpkin Jam For 2 people
Mature pumpkin 400 g White sugar 400 g Alum 14 g Slaked lime 30 g Colorless vanilla 1 tube
How to Make Pumpkin Jam
Mix alum water and lime water
One day before making pumpkin jam, you mix alum with 4 liters of water and slaked lime with 4 liters of water and let it sit overnight.
The next day, when the alum has completely dissolved in the water, you pour 2 liters of the alum mixture into a separate container to soak the pumpkin, and the remaining water will be used to boil the pumpkin.
With the lime water, after letting it sit overnight, the lime sediment will settle at the bottom of the container, do not stir to dissolve it, separate the sediment from the water on top and use this water for cooking, discard the sediment.
Preliminary processing of gourd
After removing the skin and seeds, cut the gourd into long, moderately sized pieces.
After cutting, soak the gourd in alum water, wait a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly and soak the gourd in clear lime water, cover tightly and let it sit overnight. The next day, drain the gourd and rinse it several times with clean water.
Boil the gourd
Boil the remaining alum water, add the gourd and boil for about 1 minute, then immediately transfer the gourd to a bowl of cold water that has been prepared in advance. Next, rinse the gourd thoroughly and set it aside to drain.
Marinate the gourd
Place the gourd in a large bowl, add sugar, mix the gourd with the sugar, then cover the bowl tightly with plastic wrap, let it sit overnight, you will see the sugar dissolve and the water become clear as shown in the picture.
Pour all the sugar and squash into the pan and place it on the stove, turning on high heat.
When the water in the pan boils, add a few drops of vanilla, reduce to medium heat, and continuously stir the squash to prevent the sugar from burning. When the syrup thickens, turn the heat down low and continue to stir until the syrup dries and turns white, sticking to the squash. This process may take about 20 to 25 minutes.
Final product
Finally, you have super delicious squash jam. Wait for the jam to cool before storing it in the refrigerator, and when Tet arrives, take this squash jam out to serve your guests.
2. How to make squash jam without alum
20 minutes
45 minutes
Ingredients for How to make squash jam without alum Serves 2
Mature squash 500 gr Granulated sugar 300 gr Rice washing water 1.5 liters Salt 1 teaspoon Lemon 1/2 fruit Colorless vanilla 1 tube
How to make pumpkin candy without alum
Peel the pumpkin
Peel off the green skin as well as the soft, spongy flesh of the pumpkin, leaving only the firm white flesh.
Then, cut the pumpkin into long pieces about 2 finger joints, bite-sized (about 1 cm).
Soak the pumpkin
Add 1 teaspoon of salt into a bowl containing 1.5 liters of rice washing water, then add the cut pumpkin pieces to soak.
Use plastic wrap to cover the bowl tightly and soak for 6 hours.
Tip: You should soak the pumpkin in the refrigerator to prevent it from getting soft!
Blanch the gourd
After soaking, take the gourd out of the refrigerator and you will see that it has become clearer and firmer.
Place a pot on the stove and add about 600ml of water to boil. When the water starts to boil, squeeze half a lemon into the pot. The lemon here will replace the alum.
Next, add the gourd to blanch for 3 minutes and then remove it to an ice water bath. Once the gourd has completely cooled, wash it once more with water to remove the sour taste from the lemon.
Soak the gourd in sugar
Add 300g of sugar to the bowl of blanched gourd and mix well.
Cover the bowl of gourd soaked in sugar tightly with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator for about 6 hours to 1 day to allow the gourd to absorb the sweetness of the sugar.
Cook the winter melon jam
Pour the sugar water used to soak the winter melon into a pan. When this water starts to boil, add the winter melon and stir-fry on high heat.
When you see the winter melon water boiling again, reduce the heat to medium and continue to stir-fry.
Gradually reduce the heat and stir evenly until the sugar water evaporates, then add vanilla to enhance the flavor of the jam.
Stir continuously on low heat until the sugar water completely evaporates and forms a white sugar coating on the winter melon.
When you notice that the sugar around the pan is dry, reduce the heat further and stir faster. Stir-fry until the winter melon is completely dry, then turn off the heat.
After cooking the winter melon jam, to preserve it for a long time and prevent it from melting, place it on a tray and sun-dry for about 1 – 2 hours.
Final Product
Thus, we have completed the melon jam without using alum. The pieces of jam are clear and incredibly delicious and attractive. This is truly a wonderful snack for the Tet holiday!
See more:
Hope that with the sharing in this article, 2 ways to make pumpkin jam that are extremely simple and delicious to treat guests during Tet have helped you have another good suggestion to prepare for the upcoming New Year. Wishing you success in your implementation!