Jelly is a dessert loved for its delicious flavor and simplicity in preparation. Today, let’s cook with TasteVN and make 2 ways to prepare crispy fragrant corn jelly for the whole family to enjoy!
1. Fresh corn jelly
15 minutes
15 minutes
Ingredients for Fresh Corn Jelly For 4 people
Corn 2 ears Sugar 5 tablespoons Jelly powder 10 gr Water 1 liter
Image of ingredients
How to make Fresh Corn Jelly
Boil corn
Remove the husks and silk from the corn, then separate the kernels, wash them, and let them drain. Place the kernels in a pot with 1 liter of water.
Put a pot on the stove and boil the corn on high heat for about 10 – 15 minutes. Once the corn is cooked, turn off the heat and let the pot cool down.
Make corn jelly
After about 30 – 45 minutes, the boiled corn has cooled down, at this point, add the entire mixture of jelly powder and sugar into the pot with corn and use a whisk to stir until dissolved.
Next, place the pot on the stove and cook on low heat for about 5 – 10 minutes. Stir continuously while cooking to ensure that the sugar and jelly powder have completely dissolved.
Scoop the cooked corn jelly mixture into molds and place in the refrigerator refrigerator for 4 – 5 hours until solidified, and then you can enjoy it.
Final Product
The fresh corn jelly dish is simple to make but has a very appealing taste. The jelly is chewy and cool, while the corn is both crunchy and sweet.
On these hot late summer days, hurry into the kitchen to make this refreshing corn jelly!
2. Corn Jelly
50 minutes
Ingredients for Corn Jelly For 4 people
Sugar 180 gr (white or brown sugar) Gelatin powder 10 gr American corn 450 gr (sweet corn) Coconut milk 200 ml Condensed milk 40 gr
How to Make Corn Jelly
Cooking the Jelly
Add 200ml of filtered water, 180gr of sugar, and 10gr of jelly powder into the pot, then place it on the stove, gently stirring with low heat to help the powder dissolve faster.
Tip: If you don’t have time to pour the jelly right away, you should keep the jelly mixture warm on the stove at the lowest heat to prevent it from cooling and solidifying, which makes it very difficult to mix and shape in the next steps.
Blending Corn Milk
After purchasing sweet corn, peel off any remaining silk and rinse with clean water.
Remove the corn kernels, then add 180ml of filtered water and blend until smooth. Next, strain the blended corn mixture through a sieve.
Cook corn milk and prepare coconut milk
Take about 200ml of corn milk and put it in a pot, place it on the stove, stir constantly and cook over medium heat until it boils. When the corn milk boils, continue stirring for another 2 minutes until the corn milk thickens slightly, then turn off the heat, pour it into a bowl and let it cool.
Add 200ml of coconut milk and 40gr of condensed milk to the pot, place it on the stove and bring to a boil.
- During the cooking process of corn milk, you should stir constantly to prevent the mixture at the bottom of the pot from burning.
- Avoid boiling the coconut milk too much as it will cause the coconut milk to separate, and the final product will not be tasty anymore.
Poured into molds
To prepare the first layer of corn jelly, add 4 tablespoons of the corn milk mixture you just cooked into a bowl, then add 3 tablespoons of agar-agar water, and stir quickly. Pour it into the mold and wait for the jelly to set for about 2 minutes.
Then add 4 tablespoons of coconut milk and 3 tablespoons of agar-agar water into the bowl, and again quickly pour it into the mold and wait for the jelly to set for about 1 – 2 minutes.
Continue alternating these two steps until all the prepared ingredients are used up. Place the jelly in the refrigerator for about 2 hours before it can be used.
Tips to prevent the jelly from separating layers:
- Let the corn jelly layer cool and set before pouring the coconut jelly layer on top; otherwise, they may easily blend together.
- Do not let the jelly layer set too much, as the final product will easily separate into layers.
Final product
The pieces of corn jelly are cool, simple, and easy to make with a fragrant smell of corn and milk, a moderate sweetness that is not overwhelming. This is the perfect dessert that you should try to make to treat your whole family.
How to choose sweet corn:
- Preferably choose corn ears that have just been harvested, with a fresh stalk, as they will be sweeter and fresher.
- The outer green husk should not be dry and should tightly hug the corn cob. The corn silk should still be soft and smooth, and the cob should not be wilted.
- It is advisable to choose corn that is slender and of moderate length, avoiding those that are too large. The kernels inside should be round, plump, and uniform, without being rotten.
What is jelly powder? Distinguishing between soft jelly powder and crispy jelly powder:
Jelly powder is made from natural ingredients such as seaweed, algae, or other plant types, providing the adhesion of the ingredients and is the main component of jelly dishes.
- Soft jelly powder (jelly powder) is made from gelidium type red algae. Soft jelly powder is usually used with various fruit juices, helping the jelly dish to be soft and chewy.
- Crispy jelly powder (agar jelly powder) also originates from a type of red algae in Japan. Crispy jelly powder is usually used with coffee, chocolate, and pandan leaves in jelly dishes to create a slight firmness and crispiness.
Tips for making delicious, non-clumpy jelly:
- To help the jelly cook up crispy and delicious, you should mix the jelly powder with sugar first, then cook this mixture with water, which helps prevent clumping.
- When adding the powder mixture into the cooking pot, it is best to stir continuously to help the powder dissolve quickly and evenly.
- When pouring into the mold, you should do it gently to avoid creating bubbles on the surface; you can use a spoon to scoop them out, helping the jelly not to be pitted.
- For multi-layered jelly, you should wait for the first layer to set and become slightly firm on the surface before adding the second layer on top. Avoid adding the second layer while the first one is still liquid, as they will quickly mix together.
- Especially, if you haven’t prepared the mold and the jelly mixture has already thickened, you can put it back on the stove to reheat; the mixture will melt again.
Tips for storing jelly:
- It is advisable to place the jelly in a food container, cover it, and store it in the refrigerator for 7 – 10 days. Avoid extremely low temperatures, as they will cause the jelly to dry out and harden.
- Do not store it near raw foods with strong odors like meat or fish, as the jelly will easily absorb these smells and spoil quickly.
- Do not store at room temperature because the jelly can easily weep and spoil.
See more:
Jelly corn is both simple and delicious, definitely worth trying to make. Remember to save 2 how to make corn jelly that TasteVN introduces so you can showcase your skills in the kitchen and invite the whole family someday!